Getting up early this morning was hard enough already but running in a nippy morning of about -2degC was even harder. Luckily, the sun came out early enough to greet all the runners and to wake us up from the early fog conditions.

Ray and I were in Langley to do the Chilly Chase race and both of us were signed up in the 10K. The last two years I did the 5K and I thought I should just switch it up to 10K to see how it goes. I have to admit that the cold did get to me, giving me an asthmatic feeling on my chest as I was breathing in the cold air which wasn't good but nonetheless, the race still went smoothly for me. Obviously, no PB for me this time but I am hoping to get a PB in the Sun Run which will be warmer then. As for Ray, he had a good run and successfully got a PB. Awesome job!!! I wasn't too sure about him just wearing a singlet running in the bone chilling weather....go figure!!
The race results are posted
here. Ray came in 6th/163 overall, 6th/63 for males and 1st/13 for his age group with a time of 38:43mins. As for me, I came in 55th/163 overall, 22nd/100 for females and 8th/32 in my age group with a time of 53:50mins.