Betty's Blog

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stairclimb for Clean Air 2008

I think it's going to be a great year for me because I already achieved my goal for this 3rd race of the year at the "Climb the Wall" for Clean Air by BC Lung Association. It was tiring and hard to breathe in the stairway with such poor air quality. As I mentioned previously, I was featured in a news release for Tri-city news. I am so happy to be part of this event because I can tell people now how hard it is to go up 48 storeys (738 steps). I felt like my lungs were burning making it hard to breathe and I was coughing quite a bit after the race. I found this race really hard even though it was over and done with in less than 8 mins. That is the problem with going in full throttle and killing myself in that 8 mins!! Alright, here is the result from the Raceheadquarters website. I achieved my goal of sub-8mins with a time of 7:48mins at 99th/340 overall and 17th/190 for females. As for Ray, he was speedy with a time of 5:15mins at 4th/340 overall and 4th/150 for males. Yay...way to go!! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped me raise money for this race.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Featured on Tri-City News

I had been asked by the BC Lung Association to be featured on a news release for my upcoming event "Climb the Wall". It takes place at Sheraton Wall Centre which I have signed up to run on Feb 17th, 2008. I thought it would be cool to be in the newspaper. So I agreed to do it and on Jan 30th, 2008, they ran the story and posted it in Tri-City News.

To enter in this race, you have to raise a minimum of $100 for BC Lung. All the donations go into the research and programs for the cure of lung illnesses. If you would like to help me raise money, please feel free to visit my personal donation webpage. Thank you to everyone that helped me last year to raise money so that I could participate in the event.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Yeti Snowshoe Race at Mt. Seymour

The snowfall on all the local mountains this year has been great. It was gorgeous when I was up at Mt. Seymour this past weekend to do the Yeti snowshoe series #2. Lots of people came out in the surprisingly sunny day to participate in the race. Although the snow was great, I found that it was really hard to run on fresh powdered snow. Luckily, there were lots of people in front of me to pack down the snow and that makes it a bit easier to run on it. Ray got a free entry into the race just because he had been performing well in the snowshoe races last year. Of course, he came first for the 5K route for this past weekend race at Seymour. I am so proud of him. I will be posting the results soon.
Update(Feb 4, 2008): Results are up on the Yeti website. Ray finished with a time of 37:15mins and placed 1st/73 overall and 1st/16 in his age group. As for me, I improved from last year by 3 mins and finished this year with a time of 59:12mins and placed 37th/73 overall and 14th/26 in my age group.
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