Betty's Blog

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Iron Knee 2009

After a full day of activities the day before, Ray and I with Jeremy were up early this morning at 6am to get ready to head out to the start of the race at Grouse Mountain for Iron Knee 25K. Even though we didn't quite get a lot of sleep the night before, Ray sure seemed pumped up about the race. Of course, let's not forget the sunny and warm weather helped us by giving us a little jolt of energy in the morning.

There were about 230 people that participated in the Iron Knee race. The start is at Grouse and it finishes at Deep Cove. This is Ray's second time doing this race and he set a personal best time of 1:58:31 at 23/222 overall, 20/111 for males and 11/38 in his age group. It is definitely a lot of elite runners that came out and they are indeed very speedy!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A "Surprise" Bridal Shower

The "big" day is approaching soon as I only have slightly more than a month left to prepare for this ONE day walking down the aisle. There is sure a lot to do leading up to this day. I don't know why but I thought I was done organizing but not really, things creep up now and then.

So I had a great day celebrating an unexpected and surprising bridal shower on a warm Saturday afternoon. Actually, it wasn't warm, it was more like hot. I was sweating as I was opening up my gifts. I guess I was too excited as I have never seen so many gifts before in my life. I got so many cool and sexy gifts like wine, body wash/lotion, toaster oven, 7-pc comforter and let's not forget the lingerie and a book that talks about"GRRREAT Sex"...haha.

All in all, I was just spoiled with all these amazing gifts from all my close friends and relatives. Thanks everyone for a good surprise and the fun time that we had together!!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

BMO Vancouver Marathon 2009

Another successful race on a gorgeous morning as the forecast for today was 80% light rain 2 days ago. Awesome race organization with a lot of water/aid station and food for the whole course and at the Finish.

Just this morning, I was very anxious about my half marathon as this was only my second one and believe it or not, my hands were shaky putting up my bib number and only had about 5 hours of sleep last night. I caught up on my sleep after the race but that's not the point. I think after doing the half twice, I'm pretty sure I will be fine with overcoming the anxiety, jitters and difficulty sleeping until I do my first Marathon. Hmm....I don't even want to think about that for now. Let's just enjoy my achievement from today's race.

I felt pretty good and strong out there today despite the "scary" hills up to Prospect Point at Stanley Park. For those who know me, I hate hills!!! But I toughed it out and tackled the hills by slowly trotting up them. Now, I am paying for it because my calves are burning as we speak :( Well, some aches and pains will be expected...I shouldn't be whining as I'm probably feeling the least pain compared to the Marathoners like for instance, Ray...
Today, it was the proudest and emotional moment of my life as I see Ray approaching the Finish with a Boston qualifying and personal best time of 3:14:57. I couldn't hold my tears back seeing him fulfilling his dream!!! Way to go and an awesome finish.

Race Results: I came in 1565th/5996 overall, 571st/3722 for Females and 102nd/613 for my age group with a time of 1:56:35 PB. As for Ray, he finished strong with a time (as mentioned above) of 3:14:57 PB, ranking at 138th/2996 overall, 123rd/1700 for Males and 31st/279 in his age group. Great job!!!!
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