The last series of the 5 Peaks concluded today at Buntzen Lake with gorgeous and warm weather. I didn't run this one due to a minor injury on my left calf muscle from my Grouse Grind training last Thursday. I didn't want to aggravate it more because I will be doing my first half marathon which is coming up in 2 weeks in Toronto on Sep 28th. Anyway, today's race was successful with over 400 racers doing either the Sport course at 10k, Enduro course at 15k or half marathon at 26k. With this being the last race of the series, I had the opportunity to take some photos of some of the people I had been running with in the past and also people that I had made friends with from this 5 Peaks. Kathryn (the picture on the right), the owner of 5 Peaks, was nice enough to drop what she was doing and posed for a photo with me.

Here are the race
results: Ray finished with a time of 51:34mins at 5th/215 overall, 5th/87 for males and 2nd/22 in his age group. For the points series for the whole of 5 Peaks, Ray came in 1st for his age group and 2nd overall for doing all the series. Amazing job!! What an accomplishment...I am proud of you!!!

Very nice finish Ray! I guess getting up at 4am was worth it, glad I was there to see it, and to hang with Betty!
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