What an amazing show put out by Wayne Brady and his crew. For those of you who don't know who Wayne Brady is, he was on the show called "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Go check him out
here. Guess what everyone...I was up on the stage with him. I was brave enough to raise my hand when he yelled out "Who here has the most dangerous job?" Of course, I wasn't thinking much at that point, he picked me asking, "What do you do?" Obviously, I said,"Dental Assistant". At that moment, I was so excited that I get to meet him. Needless did I know that I was so shaky and blanked out most of the time when he asked questions about me. He then sang a R&B romantic type song to me because that's all I could think of when he asked me what type of music I liked. I was totally clueless. He then asked whether there was a "Mr. Betty" and I said, "yes, he's out there". Of course, he asked Ray "Give me one word to describe her". Ray yelled out, "Sweet". (hahahah) I wished I could have performed better. Oh well...at least I sang with him a little bit and he was sure a nice guy. Ray tried to take pictures of me when I was on stage but they didn't turned out. As I was walking off the stage, he said, "Well...Betty just made her concert debut!" That was hilarious! This was my second time seeing him performed. The first time was in Las Vegas at the Mirage. Both times, he cracked me up! Tonight, the whole theatre was full. He's performing tomorrow night at the RiverRock Casino. I would highly recommend everyone to go catch his show whenever he's in town the next time. Until then, talk to you all soon!
whoa..u're soooo brave. haha i always freak out when they ask for ppl or when they pick ppl to go up and perform with them. anyway, what song did u sing with him? heheh i wanna hear it! haha
Well...there wasn't really a title to the song that he sang for me. It was all improvisation. He just made up lyrics of the song from the questions he asked me like what I do for a living, what type of song I like, etc. It was so much fun! I did have a small part of the song recorded on my phone. U can listen to it next time. :)
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