What a nice getaway from rainy Vancouver to sunny Toronto for a few days. Even though I didn't feel too good after the 4-hour flight to Toronto, I was still able to enjoy my stay. To be honest, I was so nervous as it got closer to my half marathon race. As I wasn't feeling too well, I had to try to keep a positive mind and to stay focused before the race. Thanks to Ray who was there to help me to get through my nerves and also a few other friends who text messaged and facebook messaged me to give me words of encouragement leading up to the race. This was my FIRST half marathon race and it was stressing me out a little bit but I managed to pull it together and did the best I could on the day of the race.

Ray and I also had the opportunity to do some sightseeing in downtown Toronto. I couldn't remember anything except the CN Tower since the last time I was in Toronto about 10 years ago. Geez....where did the time go!!! On the first two days we walked a lot exploring the city and it was really tiring especially on the legs and feet before the race. So we smartened up and took it easy for the next couple days. We also met up at the Expo with friends from Vancouver who we ran with during the training for the Marathon. It was held at the Metro Convention Centre. There wasn't a great deal of merchandise at the Expo but I did buy a couple of new outfits.
Here are the official
race results: Ray finished with a PB of 3:23:55 which placed him at 238th/2532 overall, 211th/1577 for males and 43rd/219 in his age group. Even though he was aiming to get a 3:15:59 to be qualified for Boston Marathon, I still think he did fabulous!!! As for me, I was feeling pretty emotional as I was approaching the finish line. It was indeed a sense of accomplishment for me. I finished with a time of 2:04:26 and came in 3387th/6373 overall, 1415th/3534 for females and 263rd/589 in my age group.
Very nice runs, both of you! You make us proud!
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