Alas!! Another year of races has gone by just like that. The last race of the season which was the New Balance Fall Classic at UBC came to a great closing. Ray and I did the same race last year and we both got our personal best times for this year; thanks to the sunny weather. The nice weather definitely plays a big part for the runner's performance. Even though I got up at 5am for Ray's half marathon and my 5K race didn't start till 10am, it was all worth it because he did an awesome job and came in with an amazing time of 1hr and 29mins (1:29:41) at 35th/895
overall, 29th/400 for males and 6th/106 in his
age group. Wow!!! I am so proud of him. Well done! As for me, I am proud of myself too because I was aiming for sub-28mins and I did it!! I finished my 5K in 27:00mins. Next year, maybe I will try sub-27mins. Hmm...we'll see about that. Anyway, I was ranked 57th/250
overall, 25th/173 for females and 9th/55 in my
age group. Ray and I will now gear up for some snowshoeing races in the winter. Stay tuned for that. Below is a photo of Ray's half marathon finisher medal.