It was sure a nice sunny day for a 9.5K run at Stanley Park. I think I finished in a good time considering that I almost backed out at the last minute due to a foot injury from the last 10K run in Richmond. Well, I am really sore now but I'm glad I did the race. Sometimes, things can be possible when you think it isn't. God was there to help me to get through this race. It was really an awesome scenic route to run around the Seawall which was my first time. I highly recommend it. Waves were really splashing high onto the walking path this morning due to strong winds. One almost got me but it did get a couple racers soaked!!!! The water from the waves got Ray's shoes wet. Please check out the race results on
Race Headquarters website. There were a total of 1200 runners and I came in 811th overall with the time of 56:22mins (45th/82 in my age group). Ray came in strong at 126th overall with the time of 41:02mins (20th/56 in his age group which is the most competitive age group). We were also signed up as a
couple and came in 14th/54. I was surprised and happy with our performance. Hopefully, I can do better next year.