Vancouver Sun Run 2009
I had so much fun today because my nephew, Ethan, joined me in the race. It was his first 10K race and first time doing the Sun Run. He did pretty good considering he doesn't run much. His time recorded on showed 55:52 mins but according to him, he thought his time was around 50mins. I think so too because he was in front of me. Later, I was told that a lot of the people's chips at the start didn't get scanned. Hmm...hopefully, the timing company fixes it. Ray's chip didn't scan either at the start and the same goes for another friend of ours.
Ethan joined others in our group like April, Eric, Sandra and Shirmy as first time participants. I'm really proud of them for coming out to join in the "fun" run. Good for them!!!
A lot of the Lions Gate runners were out too and everyone did great!!! A report of the race is blogged at the LGRR website. Full race results will be published tomorrow in the Vancouver Sun newspaper or at Raceheadquarters website.
Ray's finish time was 38:20mins which was a PB for him. Good job!!! As for me, I did it in a PB time of 51:24mins. So glad this race is over and my next one will be in two weeks which is the Vancouver Half Marathon on May 3rd. Wish me luck on that!!!