Ray and I decided to do a race over on the Sunshine Coast at the last minute. I treated it as a little getaway even though we were there to do a half marathon relay from Gibsons to Sechelt. I have never been to the Sunshine Coast before and have heard good things about this place. The weather wasn't that bad after all. The sun was peeking through a little bit for me when I was running the first half of the race which was about 10.5km. It felt good to have a break from the rain but then it started to drizzle a little bit when Ray was running the last half of the race (10.5km). The runners don't seem to mind a little bit of rain because it keeps them cool. I had a lot of fun doing this race even though my calves are now screaming...hehe. I haven't done a 10K race for a while and it sure felt a lot better than the first time I ran my first 10K. Amazing how much improvement I can see through training and stuff over the last 2 years or so. My next race is the Sun Run on April 19th. Will keep you posted on that one.
Ray and I called ourselves "Team Geocachers" for this race. We got the name from doing 'Geocaching', a very fun activity that Ray and I have picked up over the last couple years. Basically, we used a GPS unit to help us find 'treasures' in all of Vancouver and lower mainland. Check it out at the
Geocaching association.
Here are the official
results for the team category: We came in 4th/25 overall and 1st/10 for Under 80 division (meaning combined age of Ray and mine) with a time of 1:39:35. I ran the first half in approximately 55:50mins and Ray did the second half with a speedy time of 43:30mins! Kudos to us!
WTG...to the 2 fools....April Fools, that is...;)
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