New Balance Fall Classic

Wow....this race was harder than I thought even though I only did the 5K. Imagine other racers doing the half marathon (21K). I feel pity for them especially Ray. I found that bad weather like this can really affect one's performance. I kind of realized that when I did the Richmond Flatlands 10K last time which was raining but this time, it wasn't just rain, it was very windy like more than 70km/hr. The direction of the wind was towards me and it was hard for me to push through the strong wind. At one point, my hat almost flew off which did happen to a racer. Unreal!!!! All in all, I did it and that's all that matters. This was my first 5K race which was weird because usually people start off with 5K and progress to 10K from there. But for me, I did it the other way around :) That's why, 5K was hard for me...I think. Please check out the race result on WinningTime. I came 13th/48 in my age group and 98th/278 overall with a time of 28:56 for 5K. As for Ray, he did the half marathon with a time of 1:40:56 and came 115th/916 overall and 33rd/111 in his age group. Pretty good standings for Ray!!! This is it for the rest of the year. Skiing and snowshoeing will be the next thing lined up for us. Check back for more next time. Adious!!!
hihi! sorry i didnt really get to talk to u on msn last nite =( guess wat!! it took me 10+ hrs to work on my accounting...... im really really stressed and scared ><
hows work? =)
Oh...don't worry. God will be there to help you. Just take a deep breath and work at it one step at a time and you'll be fine. Well, work was stressful for me last week but so far, today on Monday, it's going so far so good. Thank God.
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